Volume 46/73

Fall/Winter 2024/25

Biannual Online Magazine of SF, Fantasy & Horror

Original Fiction by

Alexandra Brandt

Vonnie Winslow Crist

Edward DeGeorge

Jeff Enos

Joshua Grasso

Mel Harlan

Austen Lee

Sean MacKendrick

Jacob Moon

Jeff Reynolds

Josh Schlossberg

JR Warrior

Plus Stories & Previews by Staff Members

Ty Drago

Kelly Ferjutz

Carrie Schweiger

J. E. Taylor

Volume 46/73

Fall/Winter 2024/25


Biannual Online Magazine of SF, Fantasy & Horror

"There is no greater power on this earth than story." — Libba Bray



The time has come again, friends and readers.

ALLEGORY was founded in 1998. Six years ago, we changed to what the industry calls a “donations model,” meaning that all our funding is crowd-sourced. Prior to that, everything related to the ezine (now 26 years old and counting!), including author compensation, IP costs, and much more, was paid for out of my own pocket. But since I retired in 2018 and have devoted myself to writing and publishing full-time, that’s no longer an option.

So, I’m asking for your help.

This ezine is staffed exclusively by volunteers, myself included. These days, the cost of each issue comes to about $400. We receive roughly 30,000 unique visitors a year, so if every one of those visitors gave us a dollar…well, let’s just say ALLEGORY would be publishing forever!

In the fall of 2022, we held a fundraiser that proved quite successful. The generous contributions we received back then have supported us until today. Unfortunately, money is finite, and we find ourselves unable to keep this wonderful publication going. Without your assistance, THIS will be ALLEGORY’S last issue.

I’m setting a goal of $2500, enough to keep us publishing speculative fiction from around the world, free from subscriptions or advertising, for the next three years. As before, I will update the tally at the top of this page as donations come in. That way, everyone can know where we stand at any given moment.

So, if you’ve enjoyed this ezine over the past quarter century, please consider contributing.

Doing so is easy. Simply click the button below and PayPal will do the rest. Please bear in mind that ALLEGORY, while "not for profit" is not "non-profit" and, as such, donations are not tax deductible.

On behalf of myself, our staff of volunteers, our authors and, of course, our readership, thank you for your support of ALLEGORY!

With deepest gratitude,

Ty Drago, Publisher

In This Issue



Honorable Mentions

Allegory deals with submissions in the way that, as far as I know, remains fairly unique in the publishing world. Each story is individually reviewed and, if considered publishable, is placed in our "Maybe" pile. At the end of each submission period, these "Maybes" are reviewed, and the best twelve chosen to appear in the next issue. This final cut is made on the basis of issue balance, and does NOT reflect the overall quality of these stories.

That said, here—in no particular order—are the "Maybes" who just missed publication in Allegory. Each one is a fine tale that we would have been proud to publish. Remember these names, friends and fellows. You'll be hearing from them in the future. I guarantee it!

Note: Explicit permission was secured from each author before either their name or the title of their story was included in this list.

Name In Lights

This issue’s Name in Lights is a special one. It goes to the late Neal J. Morse, a man I never had the privilege to meet.

Neal was (and forever is) the father of Jackie Morse Kessler, who serves as one of Allegory's associate editors and, lately, as its proofreader as well. Jackie and I have been friends for many years. In fact Allegory enjoys the honor of having been her first professional sale. She is a woman of intellect, talent, and profound kindness, all traits I have no doubt she took from her dad.

Neal, though we never met, thank you for your gift of such a remarkable daughter to this tired world.

Shalom, sir.

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